Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Searching for Mary Matthews - Family Search Wiki

This is my current approach to finding the marriage record of my 2nd great-grandparents, Mark & Mary Matthews, parents of Arthur William, father of Howard, father of Stephen, father of Yours Truly. Following a suggestion from a fellow-member of the Somerset - Ancestors and Genealogy group on Facebook, I am starting my search for Mary by looking for Mark & Mary's marriage record, hoping I will be able to ascertain that it is THEIR marriage record and that it will contain her maiden name.

There seem to be an overwhelming number of sites to find indexed parish and civil records for England. And I'm still not sure if all of the records I'm looking for have been indexed at all. So, I've come to THE WIKI (cue the big booming voice with echo), the learning center if you will, of Family Search which DearMYRTLE first introduced to me and many other beginner researchers in her Beginning Genealogy Study Group of last year.

I am making my way methodically down the list of sites to search, and in-line with my new practices as a result of the Genealogy Do-Over, I am tracking each result in Evernote, and making notes for myself about where I left off and where to pick up when I sit down again to find Mark & Mary's marriage information.

So far, nothing new. But the search continues...


  1. But you have a plan. Figuring out a plan is half the battle.

  2. First of all, thank you for the comment on my blog. I'm glad you enjoyed my interview & my posts!

    I think you've got a great plan here. I've used Ancestry's learning center some, but definitely not enough. And, I love how you are keeping track of your search! That's something I need to put into practice.


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Spring Cleaning - Bookmarks

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